Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hands-On With the NXT

During the past week, there had been a lot of hands-on time with the Lego NXT kit to get a better understanding of what pieces are available, how many there are and how they fit together. The result of the hands-on time is the quick prototype shown in Figure 1. 
Figure 1. Front of robot prototype
In addition to working with the mechanical aspects of the design, the programmers started to work through a tutorial that describes the NXC programming language that will be used to program the robot [2]. Using the hands-on knowledge and information acquired from sources mentioned on the References page, a design proposal had been created which covers all aspects of the project from design constraints to a weekly schedule. To view the proposal, visit the Overview page. Looking forward to the next week, the plan is to complete the design of the robot by thinking of what pieces can be used to build the proposed design.

As always feel free to leave any comments.

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