Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Algorithm Progress

The algorithm development is in full force with the programmers on the team each developing separate algorithms that will be compared to determine what the best possible solution is. Based on the strategy presented in the design proposal, a flowchart, shown in Figure 5, was created in order to show the basic needs of the algorithm. (Click the image to enlarge)
Figure 5. Flowchart for proposed algorithm design
In addition to the main loop, which uses the ultrasonic sensor to find and attack the other robot, there are two defensive strategies shown to the right of the main loop that will constantly be checked while the main loop is running. The first one checks if the light sensor is triggered, 
that is if the outer border of the arena has been reached, so that the robot will know to in the opposite direction to avoid falling out of the arena. The second defensive strategy checks if the double touch sensor has been triggered and if so the robot moves forward to avoid being pushed from the back. Using these ideas, the final algorithm will soon be created so that the effectiveness of the current design can be tested.

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